Privacy Policy
1. In order to contact you and give you timely feedback, Suzhou Novoprotein technology co., LTD., registered in your account, order, consultation, course registration, access, Novoprotein WeChat ID WeChat platform operation to collect your personal information (including but not limited to, name, phone number/phone number, address, company, email, WeChat access conditions such as log information, etc.) and the information is used for purposes including but not limited to the following:
  • (1) Give feedback on your registration, registration, ordering, etc., and answer your inquiries or inquiries;
  • (2) Inform you of the latest activities of Novoprotein and send invitations to you;
  • (3) as a necessary means of contacting you;
  • (4) To send you an invitation for investigation related to Novoprotein and its products and services
  • (5) Estimate your personal preferences and usage patterns to enhance user experience and improve Novoprotein services;
  • (6) To send you product information, service information or invitation related to Novoprotein products or services (including but not limited to promotional activity information or invitation related to Novoprotein products or services, product or service introduction, market activity information, etc.);
  • (7) Improve the products and/or services provided to you by Novoprotein;
  • (8) Other purposes for which you may use the Information with your consent.
2. You agree that Nearshore May store your personal information collected in the Nearshore CRM customer Management Information Base or other software and databases so that Nearshore or the third party service provider can continue to serve you.
Iii. Novoprotein undertakes that it will not use the personal information collected from you for purposes and scope other than those specified in this Privacy Policy, nor will it provide your personal information to any party other than the subject of this Privacy Policy, unless it otherwise obtains your written consent. However, judicial organs, administrative organs and other state organs of public power or arbitration organs require the supply of offshore protein according to law.